
Archives pour 07/2024

How to configure virtual hosts in Apache HTTP server

03/07/2024 Aucun commentaire

Source: Xmodulo

Virtual hosting refers to the technique that allows a physical server to host more than one website domain (e.g.,, Virtual hosting is prevalent in shared web hosting environments, where typically hundreds or more of websites or blogs are packed on a single dedicated server to amortize server maintenance cost.

You are not a web hosting company? Sure, virtual hosting can still be useful to you. For example, you can place multiple websites of yours on one VPS that you rent out, saving on your VPS cost. To serve multiple domains on a VPS, you just need to configure as many virtual hosts on its web server, and point the domains to the static IP address of your VPS.

Due to its usefulness, virtual hosting is supported by all modern web server software such as Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, IIS. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to create and enable virtual hosts in Apache HTTP server under Linux environment. There is slight difference in the configuration between Debian-based and Red Hat-based systems. I will highlight the difference along the way.

Before I start, I assume that Apache HTTP server is already installed on your Linux server. If you haven’t, refer to our tutorials for Debian or Red Hat based systems, and install Apache server before proceeding.

As an exercise, let’s create a virtual host for domain on Apache web server.

Step One: Create Document Root Directory for Domain

Start by creating a directory which will hold the web pages for This directory is known as « document root » for the domain. Following the common practice, let’s organize all document root directories under /var/www, and name them after the corresponding domains. Also, create a dedicated log directory for under /var/log.

$ sudo mkdir /var/www/
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/apache2/ (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/httpd/ (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)

Create a test webpage for the domain:

$ sudo vi /var/www/
    <title>Welcome to</title>
    <h1>Sample page</h1>
    This page is powered by Apache Virtual Host!

Change the ownership of the document root directory to the user that Apache web server runs as.

On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux:

$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/

On Fedora, CentOS or RHEL:

$ sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/

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How to live stream video from webcam on Linux

02/07/2024 Aucun commentaire

Source: Xmodulo

Have you ever wanted to live stream a video feed from your webcam for someone else? You could use any existing video chat software such as Skype, Google+ Hangouts. However, if you do not want to rely on any third-party streaming infrastructure, you can set up your own webcam streaming server in house.

In this tutorial, I will describe how to live stream video from webcam by using VLC. VLC is an open-source, cross platform media player which can handle virtually all video and audio formats. VLC can also run as a streaming server supporting various streaming protocol such as RTP, HTTP, RTSP, etc.

Before attempting to set up webcam streaming on your own, you need to understand the huge potential security risk of streaming a webcam over the Internet. Anyone can tap into your streaming feed unless you properly access control the streaming server, and encrypt the streaming traffic. I’ll briefly mention several security protections against threats towards the end of the tutorial.

Install VLC on Linux

Before setting up a streaming server with VLC, install VLC first.

To install VLC on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:

$ sudo apt-get install vlc

To install VLC on Fedora, first enable RPM Fusion’s free repository, and then run:

$ sudo yum install vlc

To install VLC on CentOS or RHEL 6, first set up EPEL repository, and then use the following commands:

$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
$ sudo wget
$ sudo yum install vlc

Verify Webcam Device on VLC

Next, verify whether a webcam device is successfully detected on your Linux system and VLC.

To do so, first find out the device name of your webcam with the following command. In this example, the device name of the webcam is /dev/video0.

$ ls /dev/video*

Now use the following command to test video from your webcam. Replace « video0 » with your own device name.

$ vlc v4l2:///dev/video0

If your webcam is successfully detected by VLC, you should see a video stream of yourself.

Configure Webcam Streaming on VLC

Assuming that your webcam is successfully recognized by VLC, I am going to show how to configure webcam streaming. In this setup, webcam is streamed over HTTP in WMV format.

To configure VLC for webcam streaming, first launch VLC.

$ vlc

Choose « Streaming » from VLC menu.


On the screen, choose webcam/audio device name (e.g., /dev/video0 for webcam, and hw:0,0 for audio). Click on the checkbox of « Show more options ». Make a note of value strings in « MRL » and « Edit Options » fields. We will use these strings later in the tutorial. Click on « Stream » button at the bottom.

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What are useful CLI tools for Linux system admins ?

02/07/2024 Aucun commentaire

System administrators (sysadmins) are responsible for day-to-day operations of production systems and services. One of the critical roles of sysadmins is to ensure that operational services are available round the clock. For that, they have to carefully plan backup policies, disaster management strategies, scheduled maintenance, security audits, etc. Like every other discipline, sysadmins have their tools of trade. Utilizing proper tools in the right case at the right time can help maintain the health of operating systems with minimal service interruptions and maximum uptime.


This article will present some of the most popular and useful CLI tools recommended for sysadmins in their day to day activities. If you would like to recommend any useful tool which is not listed here, don’t forget to share it in the comment section.

Network Tools

1. ping: Check end-to-end connectivity (RTT delay, jitter, packet loss) of a remote host with ICMP echo/reply. Useful to check system status and reachability.

2. hping: Network scanning and testing tool that can generate ICMP/TCP/UDP ping packets. Often used for advanced port scanning, firewall testing, manual path MTU discovery and fragmentation testing.

3. traceroute: Discover a layer-3 forwarding path from a local host to a remote destination host with TTL-limited ICMP/UDP/TCP probe packets. Useful to troubleshoot network reachability and routing problems.

4. mtr: A variation of traceroute which characterizes per-hop packet loss/jitter with running statistics. Useful to characterize routing path delays.

5. netcat/socat: A swiss army knife of TCP/IP networking, allowing to read/write byte streams over TCP/UDP. Useful to troubleshoot firewall policies and service availability.

6. dig: DNS troubleshooting tool that can generate forward queries, reverse queries, find authoritative name servers, check CNAME, MX and other DNS records. Can be instructed to query a specific DNS server of your choosing.

7. nslookup: Another DNS checking/troubleshooting tool. Works with all DNS queries and records. Can query a particular DNS server.

8. dnsyo: A DNS testing tool which checks DNS propagation by performing DNS lookup from over a number of open resolvers located across 1,500 different networks around the world.

9. lsof: Show information about files (e.g., regular files, pipes or sockets) which are opened by processes. Useful to monitor processes or users in terms of their open network connections or opened files.

10. iftop: A ncurses-based TUI utility that can be used to monitor in real time bandwidth utilization and network connections for individual network interfaces. Useful to keep track of bandwidth hogging applications, users, destinations and ports.

11. netstat: A network statistics utility that can show status information and statistics about open network connections (TCP/UDP ports, IP addresses), routing tables, TX/RX traffic and protocols. Useful for network related diagnosis and performance tuning.

12. tcpdump: A popular packet sniffer tool based on libpcap packet capture library. Can define packet capturing filters in Berkeley Packet Filters format.

13. tshark: Another CLI packet sniffer software with full compatibility with its GUI counterpart, Wireshark. Supports 1,000 protocols and the list is growing. Useful to troubleshoot, analyze and store information on live packets.

14. ip: A versatile CLI networking tool which is part of iproute2 package. Used to check and modifying routing tables, network device state, and IP tunneling settings. Useful to view routing tables, add/remove static routes, configure network interfaces, and otherwise troubleshoot routing issues.

15. ifup/ifdown: Used to bring up or shut down a particular network interface. Often a preferred alternative to restarting the entire network service.

16. autossh: A program which creates an SSH session and automatically restarts the session should it disconnect. Often useful to create a persistent reverse SSH tunnel across restrictive corporate networks.

17. iperf: A network testing tool which measures maximum bi-directional throughput between a pair of hosts by injecting customizable TCP/UDP data streams in between.

18. elinks/lynx: text-based web browsers for CLI-based server environment.

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How to analyze and view Apache web server logs interactively on Linux

01/07/2024 Aucun commentaire

analyze apache logsWhether you are in the web hosting business, or run a few web sites on a VPS yourself, chances are you want to display visitor statistics such as top visitors, requested files (dynamic or static), used bandwidth, client browsers, and referring sites, and so forth.

GoAccess is a command-line log analyzer and interactive viewer for Apache or Nginx web server. With this tool, you will not only be able to browse the data mentioned earlier, but also parse the web server logs to dig for further data as well – and all of this within a terminal window in real time. Since as of today most web servers use either a Debian derivative or a Red Hat based distribution as the underlying operating system, I will show you how to install and use GoAccess in Debian and CentOS.

Installing GoAccess on Linux

In Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, run the following command to install GoAccess:

# aptitude install goaccess

In CentOS, you’ll need to enable the EPEL repository and then:

# yum install goaccess

In Fedora, simply use yum command:

# yum install goaccess

If you want to install GoAccess from the source to enable further options (such as GeoIP location), install required dependencies for your operating system, and then follow these steps:

# wget
# tar -xzvf goaccess-0.8.5.tar.gz
# cd goaccess-0.8.5/
# ./configure --enable-geoip
# make
# make install

That will install version 0.8.5, but you can always verify what is the latest version in the Downloads page of the project’s web site.

Since GoAccess does not require any further configurations, once it’s installed you are ready to go.

Running GoAccess

To start using GoAccess, just run it against your Apache access log.

For Debian and derivatives:

# goaccess -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

For Red Hat based distros:

# goaccess -f /var/log/httpd/access_log

When you first launch GoAccess, you will be presented with the following screen to choose the date and log format. As explained, you can toggle between options using the spacebar and proceed with F10. As for the date and log formats, you may want to refer to the Apache documentation if you need to refresh your memory.

In this case, Choose Common Log Format (CLF):


and then press F10. You will be presented with the statistics screen. For the sake of brevity, only the header, which shows the summary of the log file, is shown in the next image:


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4 Useful Tools to Find and Delete Duplicate Files in Linux

01/07/2024 Aucun commentaire

Organizing your home directory or even system can be particularly hard if you have the habit of downloading all kinds of stuff from the internet.

Often you may find you have downloaded the same mp3, pdf, epub (and all kind of other file extensions) and copied it to different directories. This may cause your directories to become cluttered with all kinds of useless duplicated stuff.

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to find and delete duplicate files in Linux using rdfind and fdupes command-line tools, as well as using GUI tools called DupeGuru and FSlint.

A note of caution – always be careful what you delete on your system as this may lead to unwanted data loss. If you are using a new tool, first try it in a test directory where deleting files will not be a problem.

1. Rdfind – Finds Duplicate Files in Linux

Rdfind comes from redundant data find. It is a free tool used to find duplicate files across or within multiple directories. It uses checksum and finds duplicates based on file contains not only names.

Rdfind uses an algorithm to classify the files and detects which of the duplicates is the original file and considers the rest as duplicates. The rules of ranking are:

  • If A was found while scanning an input argument earlier than BA is higher ranked.
  • If A was found at a depth lower than BA is higher ranked.
  • If A was found earlier than BA is higher ranked.

The last rule is used particularly when two files are found in the same directory.

To install rdfind in Linux, use the following command as per your Linux distribution.

$ sudo apt-get install rdfind     [On Debian/Ubuntu]
$ sudo yum install epel-release && $ sudo yum install rdfind    [On CentOS/RHEL]
$ sudo dnf install rdfind         [On Fedora 22+]
$ sudo pacman -S rdfind   [On Arch Linux]

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