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An lsof Primer

14/05/2024 Categories: Système Tags: ,
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Source: Daniel Miessler


lsof is the sysadmin/security über-tool. I use it most for getting network connection related information from a system, but that’s just the beginning for this powerful and too-little-known application. The tool is aptly called lsof because it “lists open files“. And remember, in UNIX just about everything (including a network socket) is a file.

Interestingly, lsof is also the Linux/Unix command with the most switches. It has so many it has to use both minuses and pluses.

usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRstUvV] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f[cgG]]
 [-F [f]] [-g [s]] [-i [i]] [+|-L [l]] [+|-M] [-o [o]]
 [-p s] [+|-r [t]] [-S [t]] [-T [t]] [-u s] [+|-w] [-x [fl]] [--] [names]

As you can see, lsof has a truly staggering number of options. You can use it to get information about devices on your system, what a given user is touching at any given point, or even what files or network connectivity a process is using.

For me, lsof replaces both netstat and ps entirely. It has everything I get from those tools and much, much more. So let’s look at some of its primary capabilities:

Key Options

It’s important to understand a few key things about how lsof works. Most importantly, when you’re passing options to it, the default behavior is to OR the results. So if you are pulling a list of ports with-i and also a process list with -p you’re by default going to get both results.

Here are a few others like that to keep in mind:

  • default : without options, lsof lists all open files for active processes
  • grouping : it’s possible to group options, e.g. -abC, but you have to watch for which options take parameters
  • -a : AND the results (instead of OR)
  • -l : show the userID instead of the username in the output
  • -h : get help
  • -t : get process IDs only
  • -U : get the UNIX socket address
  • -F : the output is ready for another command, which can be formatted in various ways, e.g. -F pcfn (for process id, command name, file descriptor, and file name, with a null terminator)
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Getting Information About the Network

As I said, one of my main usecases for lsof is getting information about how my system is interacting with the network. Here are some staples for getting this info:

Show all connections with -i

Some like to use netstat to get network connections, but I much prefer using lsof for this. The display shows things in a format that’s intuitive to me, and I like knowing that from there I can simply change my syntax and get more information using the same command.

# lsof -i

dhcpcd 6061 root 4u IPv4 4510 UDP *:bootpc
sshd 7703 root 3u IPv6  6499 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd 7892 root 3u IPv6  6757 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Get only IPv6 traffic with -i 6

# lsof -i 6

Show only TCP connections (works the same for UDP)

You can also show only TCP or UDP connections by providing the protocol right after the -i.

# lsof -iTCP

sshd 7703 root 3u IPv6 6499 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd 7892 root 3u IPv6 6757 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Show networking related to a given port using -i :port

Or you can search by port instead, which is great for figuring out what’s preventing another app from binding to a given port.

# lsof -i :22

sshd 7703 root 3u  IPv6 6499 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd 7892 root 3u  IPv6 6757 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Show connections to a specific host using @host

This is quite useful when you’re looking into whether you have open connections with a given host on the network or on the internet.

# lsof -i@

sshd 7892 root 3u IPv6 6757 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Show connections based on the host and the port using@host:port

You can also combine the display of host and port.

# lsof -i@

sshd 7892 root 3u IPv6 6757 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Find listening ports

Find ports that are awaiting connections.

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# lsof -i -sTCP:LISTEN

You can also do this by grepping for “LISTEN” as well.

# lsof -i | grep -i LISTEN

iTunes     400 daniel   16u  IPv4 0x4575228  0t0 TCP *:daap (LISTEN)

Find established connections

You can also show any connections that are already pinned up.


You can also do this just by searching for “ESTABLISHED” in the output via grep.

# lsof -i | grep -i ESTABLISHED

firefox-b 169 daniel  49u IPv4 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

User Information

You can also get information on various users and what they’re doing on the system, including their activity on the network, their interactions with files, etc.

Show what a given user has open using -u

# lsof -u daniel

-- snipped --
Dock 155 daniel  txt REG   14,2   2798436   823208 /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
Dock 155 daniel  txt REG   14,2   1580212   823126 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
Dock 155 daniel  txt REG   14,2   2934184   823498 /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.0.4.dylib
Dock 155 daniel  txt REG   14,2    132008   823505 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
Dock 155 daniel  txt REG   14,2    212160   823214 /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
-- snipped --

Show what all users are doing except a certain user using-u ^user

# lsof -u ^daniel

-- snipped --
Dock 155 jim  txt REG   14,2   2798436   823208 /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
Dock 155 jim  txt REG   14,2   1580212   823126 /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
Dock 155 jim  txt REG   14,2   2934184   823498 /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.0.4.dylib
Dock 155 jim  txt REG   14,2    132008   823505 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
Dock 155 jim  txt REG   14,2    212160   823214 /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
-- snipped --

Kill everything a given user is doing

It’s nice to be able to nuke everything being run by a given user.

# kill -9 `lsof -t -u daniel`

Commands and Processes

It’s often useful to be able to see what a given program or process is up to, and with lsof you can do this by name or by process ID. Here are a few options:

See what files and network connections a named command is using with -c

# lsof -c syslog-ng

syslog-ng 7547 root  cwd    DIR    3,3    4096   2 /
syslog-ng 7547 root  rtd    DIR    3,3    4096   2 /
syslog-ng 7547 root  txt    REG    3,3  113524  1064970 /usr/sbin/syslog-ng
-- snipped --

See what a given process ID has open using -p

# lsof -p 10075

-- snipped --
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   34808 850407 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   34924 850409 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   26596 850405 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3  200152 509940 /usr/lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   46216 510014 /usr/lib/liblber-2.3
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   59868 850413 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3 1197180 850396 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   22168 850398 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   72784 850404 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3   70632 850417 /lib/
sshd    10068 root  mem    REG    3,3    9992 850416 /lib/
-- snipped --

The -t option returns just a PID

# lsof -t -c Mail


Files and Directories

By looking at a given file or directory you can see what all on the system is interacting with it–including users, processes, etc.

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Show everything interacting with a given directory

# lsof /var/log/messages/

syslog-ng 7547 root    4w   REG    3,3 217309 834024 /var/log/messages

Show everything interacting with a given file

# lsof /home/daniel/firewall_whitelist.txt

Advanced Usage

Similar to tcpdump, the power really shows itself when you start combining queries.

Show me everything daniel is doing connected to

# lsof -u daniel -i @

bkdr   1893 daniel 3u  IPv6 3456 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

Using the -t and -c options together to HUP processes

# kill -HUP `lsof -t -c sshd`

lsof +L1 shows you all open files that have a link count less than 1

This is often (but not always) indicative of an attacker trying to hide file content by unlinking it.

# lsof +L1

(hopefully nothing)

Show open connections with a port range

# lsof -i


This primer just scratches the surface of lsof‘s functionality. For a full reference, run man lsof or check out the online version. I hope this has been useful to you, and as always, comments and corrections are welcomed.


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